
Our dermatologists provide comprehensive care for all dermatologic conditions and cosmetic dermatology needs.



我们知道皮肤病会让人痛苦. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our dermatologists and dermatology surgeons provide advanced care in a compassionate environment.


全国排名: Our 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 clinicians are board-certified in dermatology. Many also have specialty fellowship training in pediatric dermatology, cosmetic dermatology or Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology (Mohs). Each year, several UCLA dermatologists achieve recognition as Top Doctors by U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道.

综合服务: We provide complete care for all types of skin conditions and concerns, both medical and cosmetic. 我们也提供儿童皮肤科服务, 并与儿科免疫学专家密切合作, 风湿病学等.

方便的位置: Our medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology specialists provide services in several 位置 整个大洛杉矶地区. This means you can always receive world-class, specialized care close to home.

获得最新治疗方法: Our specialists conduct National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research. These studies advance the field of dermatology and offer you the most promising new treatments. These same researchers and physicians educate the next generation of dermatology clinicians.


Our dermatologists and dermatology surgeons have a wide range of specialty areas to ensure you have access to the best care for your specific concerns. 主要护理领域包括:

医学皮肤: Our team includes highly trained, nationally recognized dermatologists and researchers. We provide diagnosis and treatment for all conditions of the skin, hair and nails. 

小儿皮肤病: 我们的儿科皮肤科医生专门研究皮肤, 影响新生儿的头发和指甲状况, 婴儿, 儿童和青少年. We work closely with other subspecialists to understand how conditions such as allergies affect your child’s skin. Pediatric dermatologists treat acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, among other conditions.

皮肤外科: We offer a wide array of options for removing and treating skin cancers, 包括莫氏显微手术和手术切除. Our dermatologic surgeons work closely with oncologists to offer you individualized, 综合治疗.

美容皮肤科学: Our experts provide treatments to help you improve and enhance your skin. We use minimally invasive techniques such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion and Botox® injections to help you achieve your goals.


You may make an appointment in our general medical dermatology clinic or one of our specialty clinics. The experts in all our dermatology clinics offer targeted, personalized care.

We offer specialty clinics for hair, skin and nail conditions, such as: 

  • 痤疮诊所 用于中度至重度痤疮.
  • 接触性皮炎诊所 治疗皮疹.
  • 头发和头皮疾病诊所 针对头皮屑、虱子、癣等顾虑.
  • 黑色素瘤临床 for those who have or at high risk for melanoma (skin cancer).
  • 色素性病变门诊 for people with concerning moles, or personal or family history of melanoma.
  • 牛皮癣诊所 for the treatment of scaly patches of skin, called psoriasis.

Highly specialized dermatologists run additional sub-specialty clinics, including:

  • 收购了 水疱病(免疫大疱病)门诊 用于慢性脓液性皮肤损伤.
  • 自身免疫性皮肤病门诊 用于治疗自身免疫性疾病.
  • 化脓性汗腺炎诊所 治疗化脓性汗腺炎, 一种罕见的皮肤病,会导致腋窝囊肿, 乳房下面或腹股沟附近.
  • 实体器官移植诊所 for patients who have an increased risk of skin cancer after an organ transplant.


We offer comprehensive care for skin, hair and nail conditions, including: 

  • 粉刺: A skin condition that causes pus-filled bumps, blackheads or whiteheads.
  • 湿疹: 皮肤发痒、剥落、发炎.
  • 单纯疱疹和带状疱疹: 引起疼痛的皮疹和水泡的感染.
  • 黄褐斑: A pigmentation disorder that causes patches of discoloration on your face.
  • 牛皮癣: A disease that causes skin cells to build up and form scaly, itchy patches.
  • 酒渣鼻: An inflammatory skin condition that leads to redness and visible blood vessels on the face.
  • 皮肤癌: 因暴露于紫外线(UV)而引起的癌症, 如基底细胞癌, 黑色素瘤和鳞状细胞癌.


Our dermatologists provide medical and cosmetic services, including:



  • 口服药物: 比如抗生素或激素避孕.
  • 局部(皮肤)治疗: Such as retinoids, washes or antibiotic creams or ointments.


Cosmetic skin treatments can help your skin appear more radiant and youthful. 常见选项包括:

  • 肉毒杆菌注射®: 改善皱纹或细纹. 
  • 化学换肤: Applying a chemical solution to remove your top layers of skin and reveal healthy, 下面是更年轻的层次.
  • 激光换肤: Using safe, targeted lasers to peel back the top layers of your skin.
  • 激光静脉治疗: Using lasers to shrink and reduce the visibility of dilated veins.
  • 磨皮: 小晶体可以去除你皮肤表层的角质. 
  • 微针: Small needle pricks that improve the appearance of acne scars, 皱纹, 妊娠纹或受伤留下的疤痕. 
  • Photofacial复兴: Wavelengths of light that treat sun damage and reduce the appearance of pores, 变色的斑点或细纹.



  • 冷冻手术: Applying a freezing agent such as liquid nitrogen to destroy skin growths. 
  • 刮除和电手术: Scraping tissue with a sharp tool and applying an electric current to completely remove skin lesions.
  • 莫氏显微手术: Removing skin cancer in stages while keeping healthy tissue intact.
  • 光动力治疗: Applying specific chemicals to the skin and using light to treat precancerous or cancerous growths.
  • 放射治疗: Targeted high-energy rays that eliminate, destroy or slow the growth of cancer cells.
  • 手术切除: Removing all or part of a skin cancer growth for examination or treatment.
  • 局部皮肤癌治疗: Applying medicated creams, gels or lotions to precancerous or cancerous skin areas.


Our dermatologists continually rank among the top doctors in the nation. 我们关心 for patients, conduct research and train the next generation of dermatology clinicians.


呼叫 310-825-2631 to request an appointment with a medical dermatologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 or 310-206-7546 预约皮肤科美容医生.


Whether you need ongoing treatment or want to enhance your appearance, we can help. 呼叫 310-825-2631 医疗皮肤科服务和 310-206-7546 化妆品服务.