
Our sleep medicine specialists comprehensively treat sleep disorders in adults and children. We are a nationally recognized program that’s been well-established for more than 50 years.



作为管理和治疗所有类型睡眠障碍的领导者, 我们为儿童和成人提供全方位的护理. 我们课程的亮点包括:

经验和专业知识: 几十年来,我们一直在诊断和管理睡眠障碍. 作为睡眠医学和睡眠研究领域公认的领导者, the UCLA 睡眠障碍 Center features the largest group of clinical sleep researchers in the United States.

以团队为基础的全面护理: 我们的睡眠医学团队包括神经病学专家, 肺学, 精神病学, 儿童睡眠障碍, 耳鼻咽喉科, 牙科, 减肥和营养. Physicians who are board certified in sleep medicine and registered polysomnographic technologists evaluate and diagnose a range of sleep disorders.

现代睡眠实验室: Our state-of the-art sleep lab includes advanced equipment in 11 single-patient accommodations. These tranquil spaces make overnight sleep studies inviting by mimicking the comforts of a hotel room. 该实验室还提供儿童友好的住宿和共享休息室, 为患者和家属提供优雅的空间.

国家认证: We have achieved continuous accreditation by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.


Our specialists provide multiple services to treat sleep disorders and improve your quality of life. 服务包括:


This clinic offers outpatient consultations to new and returning patients. Our specialists discuss your medical history and current challenges and conduct a physical exam.

Your specialist recommends treatment options, including a sleep study, if needed. After a sleep study, you return to the clinic to discuss the results with a sleep specialist. 和睡眠障碍诊所预约, 你必须有神经科医生的转诊.


在这个诊所里, pulmonologists offer specialized treatment and support for patients who have respiratory problems affecting sleep. 如果您具备以下条件,您可能是本诊所的候选人:

  • 家庭呼吸疗法
  • 肥胖低通气综合征
  • 阻塞性或中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停


The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric 肺学 team evaluates and manages pediatric respiratory disorders. 儿童可透过睡眠诊所接受下列治疗:

  • 哮喘
  • 慢性咳嗽或喘息
  • 慢性肺病
  • 囊性纤维化
  • 间质性肺病
  • 睡眠呼吸暂停
  • 裂谷热”


Specialists in the laboratory conduct overnight sleep studies to diagnose and manage a spectrum of sleep disorders. Our facility contains 11 private bedrooms and includes pediatric-friendly accommodations. We are accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and perform sleep studies seven days a week. You must have a physician referral to schedule a sleep study with the laboratory.


Our specialists diagnose and treat a range of sleep-related conditions, including:

白天过度嗜睡(嗜睡): A condition in which a person constantly falls asleep during the day, often while talking or eating

失眠: 入睡或保持睡眠持续困难

时差综合症: A sleep disorder affecting people who often travel across multiple time zones

嗜睡症: A sleep disorder that causes excessive drowsiness and sporadic sleeping

阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停: 睡眠时气道部分或完全阻塞

深眠状态: 睡眠中不需要的或不寻常的身体体验, 比如梦话, 梦游, 睡眠麻痹或夜惊 

不宁腿综合征: A neurological disorder that causes an irresistible urge to move the legs, often in the evening

轮班工作睡眠障碍: A sleep disorder affecting those who work nontraditional hours, such as overnight shift workers

打鼾: Noisy breathing during sleep, often caused by partially blocked airflow


We offer overnight sleep studies through the 睡眠障碍实验室, including:  

夜间多导睡眠图(NPSG) 这是评估睡眠障碍的标准夜间睡眠研究. 我们在睡眠中测量所有的生理功能, 包括呼吸, 脑电波活动, 心率, 肌肉运动, 血氧饱和度和打鼾.

扩展脑电图睡眠记录: We perform an NPSG along with an EEG, a test that measures brain activity. 如果我们怀疑病人夜间癫痫发作,我们可能会使用这个测试.

多重睡眠潜伏期测试(MSLT): This daytime test measures how sleepy a patient is after a full night of sleep. 我们在NPSG过夜后使用它. We may use this test to diagnose narcolepsy or other forms of excessive daytime sleepiness.

带末潮CO2的NPSG: This is a modified NPSG where we also measure the level of CO2 (carbon dioxide) at the end of each exhale. 这个测试可以帮助我们发现肥胖、呼吸不足等情况. 我们也经常用这个测试来诊断儿童的睡眠障碍.

快速眼动睡眠行为障碍: During this modified NPSG, we attach small, metal discs (electrodes) to the patient’s arms and legs. These electrodes measure muscle activity during REM sleep to diagnose conditions that cause people to act out their dreams.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) titration: CPAP和BiPAP是治疗睡眠呼吸暂停的常用方法. 通过这项研究, we evaluate what pressure levels most effectively treat apnea in individual patients.

分夜研究: This two-part study involves a two- to four-hour diagnostic test with a therapeutic test. 如果诊断测试显示有睡眠呼吸暂停的可能性, 我们可能会让患者在当晚使用CPAP机器. We measure the patient’s response to the CPAP machine to determine if it would be effective treatment.

清醒维持试验(MWT): We measure whether a patient can stay awake in a sleep-induced environment. 我们经常用这个测试来评估治疗的效果.


睡眠障碍及其原因差别很大. 治疗方案取决于你的症状, 导致睡眠障碍的病史和状况.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们从多个角度处理每个治疗方案. You benefit from a multispecialty team of experts who focus on your sleep as well as your overall health. 您可能会收到:

  • 帮助你夜间呼吸的设备, such as an oral appliance that opens airways or a CPAP machine that delivers a steady flow of air
  • 帮助睡眠的药物, control anxiety or treat health conditions that may disrupt your sleep
  • Therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help relax your mind and body so you can rest


Our sleep medicine team includes a range of subspecialists who diagnose, 评估和治疗所有类型的睡眠障碍. We are recognized leaders in sleep medicine with continuous national accreditation and more than half a century of experience.



Physician referred required: Patients must be referred by a primary care physician or subspecialist within the community.

呼叫 310-825-2631, 星期一至五,上午七时至晚上七时 or send a fax to 310-794-7491 to request an appointment with a sleep medicine specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our sleep medicine physicians are recognized experts in sleep disorders treatment. To find the right doctor for you, connect with a customer care specialist at 310-825-2631